2.14 Ensure MySQL is Bound to an IP Address


By default, the MySQL server accepts TCP/IP connections from MySQL user accounts on all server host IPv6 and IPv4 interfaces. You can make this configuration more restrictive by setting the bind_address configuration option to a specific IPv4 or IPv6 address so that the server only accepts TCP/IP connections on that address.


Limiting the IP address provides additional controls and restrictions on how client applications can connect to MySQL. If not configured to a specific IP all IPs for this server can be used to connect to MySQL.


For example, to have the MySQL server only accept connections on a specific IPv4 address, add an entry similar to this under the [mysqld] option group in the MySQL /etc/my.cnf:


In this case, clients can connect to the server using --host= Connections on other server host addresses are not permitted.

Default Value:

Not set.

See Also
