3.3 Ensure 'Passive Link State' and 'Preemptive' are configured appropriately - Election Setings


Set the Passive Link State to auto, and uncheck the Preemptive option to disable it.


Simultaneously enabling the 'Preemptive' option and setting the 'Passive Link State' option to 'Shutdown' could cause a 'preemptive loop' if Link and Path Monitoring are both configured. This will negatively impact the availability of the firewall and network services, should a monitored failure occur.


Incorrectly configuring this setting will adversely affect availability, rather than positively affect it.


To set Active/Passive Settings correctly:
Navigate to Device > High Availability > General > Active/Passive Settings.
Set Passive Link State to auto.
To set Election Settings correctly:
Navigate to Device > High Availability > Election Settings.
Set Preemptive to be disabled.

Default Value:

Not Configured

See Also
