5.2 Ensure PostgreSQL is Bound to an IP Address


By default, listen_addresses is set to localhost which prevents any and all remote TCP connections to the PostgreSQL port.
Some Docker images may set listen_addesses to *. * corresponds to all available IP interfaces; thus, the PostgreSQL server then accepts TCP connections on all the server's IPv6 and IPv4 interfaces. (The same is true for a setting of
You can make this configuration more restrictive by setting the listen_addresses configuration option to a specific list of IPv4 or IPv6 address so that the server only accepts TCP connections on those addresses.
This parameter can only be set at server start.
Limiting the IP addresses that PostgreSQL listens on provides additional restrictions on where client applications/users can connect from.
NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


To have the PostgreSQL server only accept connections on a specific IP address, add an entry similar to this in the PostgreSQL configuration file postgresql.conf:
listen_addresses = '<your IP>'
To listen on multiple addresses, a comma-separated list may be used:
listen_addresses = '<your first IP>, <your second IP>'
In this case, clients can connect to the server using --host=<your IP>, while connections on other server host addresses are not possible.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|PL-8, 800-53|SA-8

Plugin: PostgreSQLDB

Control ID: aa722537c5d629edc448d075b7d5b05d08bf0deb3e55147f0ed2b9d583186373