Password complexity configuration is crucial to restrict unauthorized access to data. By default, PostgreSQL doesn't provide for password complexity. Moreover, many compliance frameworks such as PCI DSS, and HIPPA require both password complexity and length. It is worth stating that the NIST 800-63B Password Guidelines publication is a good reference of authentication management.
Having strong password management for your locally-authenticated PostgreSQL accounts will protect against attackers' brute force techniques. This is important especially if external authentication is not possible to implement due to application requirements or restrictions.
NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.
Next, we need to alter the postgresql.conf configuration file to enable passwordcheck as an extension in the shared_preload_libraries parameter and restart the PostgreSQL service:
$ vi ${PGDATA}/postgresql.conf
Find the shared_preload_libraries entry, and add 'passwordcheck' to it (preserving any existing entries):
shared_preload_libraries = '$libdir/passwordcheck'
shared_preload_libraries = 'pgaudit,$libdir/passwordcheck,somethingelse'
Restart the PostgreSQL server for changes to take affect:
# whoami
# systemctl restart postgresql-16
# systemctl status postgresql-16|grep 'ago$'
Active: active (running) since [date] 10s ago