Ensure that the Container Network Interface files have ownership set to root:root. Rationale: Container Network Interface provides various networking options for overlay networking. You should consult their documentation and restrict their respective file permissions to maintain the integrity of those files. Those files should be owned by root:root. Impact: None NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.
No remediation required; file permissions are managed by the operator. Default Value: In OpenShift 4, the default file ownership is root:root for CNI Multus and SDN and openvswitch:openvswitch for the OVS plugin. /host/etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.conf = root:root /host/var/run/multus/cni/net.d/80-openshift-network.conf = root:root /var/lib/cni/networks/openshift-sdn = root:root /var/run/openshift-sdn = root:root /var/run/openvswitch = openvswitch:openvswitch /etc/openvswitch = openvswitch:openvswitch /run/openvswitch = openvswitch:openvswitch