Kubernetes provides the option to use client certificates for user authentication. However as there is no way to revoke these certificates when a user leaves an organization or loses their credential, they are not suitable for this purpose. It is not possible to fully disable client certificate use within a cluster as it is used for component to component authentication. Rationale: With any authentication mechanism the ability to revoke credentials if they are compromised or no longer required, is a key control. Kubernetes client certificate authentication does not allow for this due to a lack of support for certificate revocation. Impact: External mechanisms for authentication generally require additional software to be deployed.
Configure an identity provider for the OpenShift cluster. Understanding identity provider configuration | Authentication | OpenShift Container Platform 4.5. Once an identity provider has been defined, you can use RBAC to define and apply permissions. After you define an identity provider and create a new cluster-admin user, remove the kubeadmin user to improve cluster security. Default Value: By default, only a kubeadmin user exists on your cluster. To specify an identity provider, you must create a Custom Resource (CR) that describes that identity provider and add it to the cluster.