1.2.8 Ensure the version of the operating system is an active vendor supported release


The operating system must be a vendor supported release


An operating system release is considered 'supported' if the vendor continues to provide security patches for the product. With an unsupported release, it will not be possible to resolve security issues discovered in the system software.

Red Hat offers the Extended Update Support (EUS) Add-On to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription, for a fee, for those customers who wish to standardize on a specific minor release for an extended period. RHEL 7.7 marks the final minor release that EUS will be available, while 7.9 is the final minor release overall.


Upgrade to a supported version of the operating system.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-6b., CCI|CCI-000366, CSCv7|2.2, Rule-ID|SV-204458r744100_rule, STIG-ID|RHEL-07-020250

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 0baf879b0f2a4d79e83bc615631b57370c32d379fb73c558f0a5f43f3257f959