Web servers provide the ability to host web site content.
Unless there is a local site approved requirement to run a web server service on the system, web server packages should be removed to reduce the potential attack surface.
Run the following commands to stop apache2.service and nginx.service and remove apache2 and nginx packages:
# systemctl stop apache2.service nginx.service
# zypper remove apache2 nginx
- OR -
- IF - a package is installed and is required for dependencies:
Run the following commands to stop and mask apache2.service and nginx.service :
# systemctl stop apache2.service nginx.service
# systemctl mask apache2.service nginx.service
Note: Other web server packages may exist. If not required and authorized by local site policy, they should also be removed. If the package is required for a dependency, the service and socket should be stopped and masked.
Removal of web server packages will remove that ability for the server to host web services.
- IF - the web server package is required for a dependency, any related service or socket should be stopped and masked.
Note: If the remediation steps to mask a service are followed and that package is not installed on the system, the service and/or socket will still be masked. If the package is installed due to an approved requirement to host a web server, the associated service and/or socket would need to be unmasked before it could be enabled and/or started.