The variable TCP_STRONG_ISS sets the mechanism for generating the order of TCP packets. If an attacker can predict the next sequence number, it is possible to inject fraudulent packets into the data stream to hijack the session. Solaris supports three sequence number methods-
0 = Old-fashioned sequential initial sequence number generation.
1 = Improved sequential generation, with random variance in increment.
2 = RFC 1948 sequence number generation, unique-per-connection-ID.
Run the following commands to set TCP_STRONG_ISS to use RFC 1948 sequence number generation-
cd /etc/default
awk '/TCP_STRONG_ISS=/ { $1 = 'TCP_STRONG_ISS=2' }; { print }' inetinit >
mv inetinit
pkgchk -f -n -p /etc/default/inetinit
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_strong_iss 2