RPC-based services are typically deployed to use very weak or non-existent authentication and yet may share very sensitive information. Unless one of the services is required on this machine, it is best to disable RPC-based tools completely. If you are unsure whether or not a particular third-party application requires RPC services, consult with the application vendor.
To disable local RPC port mapping service, run the following command-
svcadm disable svc:/network/rpc/bind
If you want to restrict access to this service, but not disable it completely, consider using a host-based firewall such as ipfilter(5) to control what hosts are allowed to access this daemon. Alternatively, TCP Wrappers support can be enabled in the daemon with the commands-
svccfg -s svc:/network/rpc/bind setprop config/enable_tcpwrappers = true
svcadm refresh rpc/bind