2.2.10 Disable automount daemon - Make sure that /system/filesystem/autofs is disabled.


The automount daemon is normally used to automatically mount NFS file systems from remote file servers when needed. However, the automount daemon can also be configured to mount local (loopback) file systems as well, which may include local user home directories, depending on the system configuration.

Sites that have local home directories configured via the automount daemon in this fashion will need to ensure that this daemon is running for Oracle's Solaris Management Console administrative interface to function properly. If the automount daemon is not running, the mount points created by SMC will not be mounted.

Note - Since this service uses Oracle's standard RPC mechanism, it is important that the system's RPC portmapper (rpcbind) also be enabled when this service is turned on. For more information see Item 2.3.14 Disable Local RPC Portmapping Service.


To disable the automount daemon, run the following command-
svcadm disable svc:/system/filesystem/autofs

See Also
