4.8 Log successful and failed login attempt - failure


Sybase ASE can be configured to log successful and/or failed login attempts to the
Windows Event Log via the log audit logon failure and log audit logon success
configuration parameters.

It is recommended that both successful and failed login attempts are logged to the
Windows Event Log in addition to the standard Sybase audit trail.


Logging key events such as successful and failed login attempts to multiple places (i.e. the
Windows Event Log and the Sybase audit tables) means that there is less likelihood of an
attacker being able to cover their tracks in the event of a compromise.


1. Connect to the ASE server as a user with the sso_role and execute the following
SQL statements:

exec sp_configure 'log audit logon failure', 1

exec sp_configure 'log audit logon success', 1

See Also
