1.2 Review the default login


When the login mode is set to Integrated or Mixed Mode authentication, domain usernames
are mapped to database usernames via the syslogins table. If a domain user attempts to
login to the database but has no corresponding syslogins entry, the user is logged in as
the account specified by the DefaultLogin registry key.

This registry key is empty by default, indicating that only domain users with valid
syslogins mappings may login. This setting should be reviewed to ensure that no default
login has been set. If one has been set, its purpose should be fully established before it is
modified in order to prevent disruption to applications and users that may be reliant upon
it. If similar functionality is required it can be accomplished by setting up a group within
the Windows domain and creating a mapping within the syslogins table.


Assigning a value to the DefaultLogin registry key means that all users with valid
Windows domain credentials have some level of access to the database. This goes against
the security best practice principle of least privilege.


1. Set the value of the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SYBASE\Server\<ServerName>\DefaultLogin to the empty string (where <ServerName> should be substituted for the name of the ASE instance).

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AC-6

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: dbcb4b7b84f3395b22b123da1804530dd170ee974b99e2295db8d881897cc9a2