Sybase ASE supports setting lockout thresholds that define the number of incorrect
consecutive login attempts that will result in the account or role being locked. These can be
specified on a global basis (i.e. applicable to all user accounts), on a per user basis and on a
per role basis with individual settings overriding server-wide settings.
The default lockout threshold in Sybase ASE allows unlimited incorrect login attempts. At a
minimum, a global lockout threshold should be set in accordance with your organizations
password policy. It is recommended that user accounts that have powerful roles such as
sa_role or sso_role should have a stricter threshold set.
Allowing an attacker unlimited attempts to login to an account permits a brute force attack
to proceed unhindered, potentially leading to compromise of the database.
1. Connect to the ASE server with a user that has the sso_role and execute the
following SQL statement (note 5 should be substituted for the lockout threshold
required within your organization):
exec sp_configure 'maximum failed logins', 5