Ensure pam_faillock module is enabled


The pam_faillock.so module maintains a list of failed authentication attempts per user during a specified interval and locks the account in case there were more than the configured number of consecutive failed authentications (this is defined by the deny parameter in the faillock configuration). It stores the failure records into per-user files in the tally directory.

Locking out user IDs after n unsuccessful consecutive login attempts mitigates brute force password attacks against your systems.


Create two pam-auth-update profiles in /usr/share/pam-configs/ :

Create the first profile with the following lines:

Name: Enable pam_faillock to deny access
Default: yes
Priority: 0
Auth-Type: Primary
[default=die] pam_faillock.so authfail


#!/usr/bin/env bash

arr=('Name: Enable pam_faillock to deny access' 'Default: yes' 'Priority: 0' 'Auth-Type: Primary' 'Auth:' ' [default=die] pam_faillock.so authfail')
printf '%s
' "${arr[@]}" > /usr/share/pam-configs/faillock

Create the second profile with the following lines:

Name: Notify of failed login attempts and reset count upon success
Default: yes
Priority: 1024
Auth-Type: Primary
requisite pam_faillock.so preauth
Account-Type: Primary
required pam_faillock.so


#!/usr/bin/env bash

arr=('Name: Notify of failed login attempts and reset count upon success' 'Default: yes' 'Priority: 1024' 'Auth-Type: Primary' 'Auth:' ' requisite pam_faillock.so preauth' 'Account-Type: Primary' 'Account:' ' required pam_faillock.so')
printf '%s
' "${arr[@]}" > /usr/share/pam-configs/faillock_notify

Run the following command to update the common-auth and common-account PAM files with the new profiles:

# pam-auth-update --enable <profile_filename>


# pam-auth-update --enable faillock
# pam-auth-update --enable faillock_notify


- The name used for the file must be used in the pam-auth-update --enable command
- The Name: line should be easily recognizable and understood
- The Priority: Line is important as it effects the order of the lines in the /etc/pam.d/ files
- If a site specific custom profile is being used in your environment to configure PAM that includes the configuration for the pam_faillock module, enable that module instead

See Also
