7.1.5 Ensure that VDS Port Mirror traffic is only being sent to authorized collector ports or VLANs


Ensure that VDS Port Mirror traffic is only being sent to authorized collectors.


The vSphere VDS can mirror traffic from one port to another in order to allow for packet
capture devices to collect specific traffic flows. Port mirroring will send a copy of all traffic
specified in un-encrypted format. This mirrored traffic contains the full data in the packets
captured and can result in total compromise of that data if misdirected. If Port Mirroring is
required, verify that all Port Mirror Destination VLAN, Port and Uplink ID's are correct.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


1. From the Web or vSphere Clients.
2. Configure the Port Mirror destination interfaces to be correct.
3. Edit the VDS properties.
4. In the Port Mirror tab, configure the Destination VLAN, Port, and Uplink ID's.

See Also
