ESXi can be configured to store log files on an in-memory file system. This occurs when the
host's property is set to a non-persistent location, such as
/scratch. When this is done, only a single day's worth of logs are stored at any time.
Additionally, log files will be reinitialized upon each reboot.
Non-persistent logging presents a security risk because user activity logged on the host is
only stored temporarily and will not be preserved across reboots. This can also complicate
auditing and make it harder to monitor events and diagnose issues. ESXi host logging should
always be configured to a persistent datastore.
To configure persistent logging properly, perform the following from the vSphere web client:
1. Select the host and go to "Configure" -> "System" -> "Advanced System Settings".
2. Enter in the filter.
3. Set the the desired datastore path. Note: additional disk
space may be required to store the log files.
4. Make sure the attribute is highlighted, then click the pencil icon.
Alternatively, run the following PowerCLI command:
# Set for each host
Get-VMHost | Foreach { Set-AdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $_ -Name -Value "<NewLocation>" }