By default, ESXI logs are stored on a local scratch volume or ramdisk. To preserve logs, also configure remote logging to a central log host for the ESXI hosts.
Remote logging to a central log host provides a secure, centralized store for ESXi logs. You can more easily monitor all hosts with a single tool. You can also do aggregate analysis and searching to look for such things as coordinated attacks on multiple hosts. Logging to a secure, centralized log server helps prevent log tampering and provides a long-term audit record.
To configure remote logging properly, perform the following from the vSphere web client:
- Select the host
- Click Configure then expand System then select Advanced System Settings
- Select Edit then enter in the filter.
- Set the to the hostname or IP address of the central log server.
- Click OK
Alternately, run the following PowerCLI command:
# Set for each host
Get-VMHost | Foreach { Set-AdvancedSetting -VMHost $_ -Name -Value "<NewLocation>" }
Note: When setting a remote log host, it is also recommended to set the "" to true. You must configure the syslog settings for each host.