3.1.15 Set failed archive retry delay

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The archretrydelay parameter specifies the number of seconds the DB2 service will wait before it reattempts to archive log files after a failure. It is recommended that this parameter be set anywhere in the range of 10-30. You do not want the delay to be so short that the database ends up in a denial of service scenario, but you don't want the delay to be too long if an outside attack happens at the same time.


1. Connect to the DB2 database
db2 => connect to $DB2DATABASE user $USERNAME using $PASSWORD
2. To successfully set the archretrydelay within the 10-30 range, run the following command from the DB2 command window-
db2 => update database configuration using archretrydelay nn (where nn is a range between 10-30)
Default Value - The default value for archretrydelay is 20

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-6, CSCv6|3.1

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 3d0393cbfe43b0a4819c5dcb03576f0664fae6dc37329fba5a9f2c5ec24316aa