WA050 - Trained staff are not available to respond to web server or web content problems.


Vulnerability Key: V0002224
IA Controls: ECSC-1 Security Configuration Compliance
Categories: 6.4 Training & Certification
Severity: Category III
Ref: WEB SERVER SECURITY TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE Section 2.1 Web Site Administration Policies & Procedures, With
Amendments and Corrections incorporated in red italics
As web sites are available to the user 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, the potential for problems
relating to the web server operations to arise at anytime is significant. Operating staff may discover
a problem with the organization's web server operation or the web content. Points of Contact (staff)
with the appropriate access and training must be available to respond to immediate operational
needs to correct the problem.
NOTE: Nessus did not perform this check as it requires manual verification that the staff is properly trained and are available whenever required.