WG355 IIS7 - A private web-site must utilize certificates from a trusted DoD CA.

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The use of a DoD PKI certificate ensures clients the private web site they are connecting to is legitimate, and is an essential part of the DoD defense-in-depth strategy.


1. Open the IIS Manager.
2. Click the Server name.
3. Double-Click Server Certificates.
4. Click Import under the Actions Pane.
5. Browse to the DoD certificate location, select it, and click OK.
6. Remove any non-DoD certificates if present.
7. Click on the site needing the certificate.
8. Select Bindings under the Actions Pane.
9. Click on the binding needing a certificate and select edit, or add a site binding for HTTPS and execute step 10.
10. Assign the certificate to the web site by choosing it under the SSL Certificate drop down and clicking OK.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|SC-23, CAT|II, Rule-ID|SV-32473r2_rule, STIG-ID|WG355_IIS7, Vuln-ID|V-13620

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: ae7f13189d3082deba70218cbf391ab916ac207182d034d2c3d086b4241d48dc