WA000-WI6260 - The production web-site must filter unlisted file extensions in URL requests.

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Request filtering enables administrators to create a more granular rule set to allow or reject inbound web content. By setting limits on web requests it helps to ensure availability of web services and may also help mitigate the risk of buffer overflow type attacks. The allow unlisted property of the File Extensions Request Filter enables rejection of requests containing specific file extensions not defined in the File Extensions filter. Tripping this filter will cause IIS to generate a Status Code 404.7.


1. Open the IIS Manager.
2. Click the site name under review.
3. Double-click the Request Filtering icon.
4. Click Edit Feature Settings in the Actions Pane.
5. Uncheck the allow unlisted file extensions checkbox.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-7(4), CAT|II, Rule-ID|SV-32697r2_rule, STIG-ID|WA000-WI6260, Vuln-ID|V-26046

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 0528d35a5ecbfc0c12c82d5973c8f7921cd98bc44bf5cbc3627c2eda000a7770