WA000-WI6200 - The production web-site must configure the Global .NET Trust Level.

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An application's trust level determines the permissions granted by the ASP.NET Code Access Security (CAS) policy. An application with full trust permissions may access all resource types on a server and perform privileged operations, while applications running with partial trust have varying levels of operating permissions and access to resources. The CAS determines the permissions granted to the application on the server. Setting a level of trust compatible with the applications will limit the potential harm a compromised application could cause to a system.


1. Open the IIS Manager.
2. Click the site name under review.
3. Double-click the '.NET Trust Level' icon.
4. Set the .NET Trust level to 'Medium' or less and click 'Apply'.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AC-6, CAT|II, Rule-ID|SV-46354r3_rule, STIG-ID|WA000-WI6200, Vuln-ID|V-26034

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 628886f34c06433596c9cc5804a32fff92b27ac798830286716f9d5d0ae0aa85