EX19-MB-000033 Exchange audit record parameters must be set.

Warning! Audit Deprecated

This audit has been deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

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Log files help establish a history of activities and can be useful in detecting attack attempts. This item declares the fields that must be available in the audit log file to adequately research events that are logged.

Audit records should include the following fields to supply useful event accounting: Object modified, Cmdlet name, Cmdlet parameters, Modified parameters, Caller, Succeeded, and Originating server.


Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command:

Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -AdminAuditLogParameters *

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|III, CCI|CCI-000169, Rule-ID|SV-259654r960879_rule, STIG-ID|EX19-MB-000033, Vuln-ID|V-259654

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 4e7c56b40318e1539ba7a435bf7b6ab02327fe21a4e83050638db33c59b0dc13