EX19-MB-000122 Exchange mail quota settings must not restrict receiving mail.

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Mail quota settings control the maximum sizes of a user's mailbox and the system's response if these limits are exceeded. Mailbox data that is not monitored against a quota increases the risk of mail loss due to filled disk space, which can also render the system unavailable.

Failure to allow mail receipt may impede users from receiving mission-critical data.


Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command:

Set-MailboxDatabase -Identity <'IdentityName'> -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota Unlimited

Note: The <IdentityName> value must be in quotes.


Enter the value as identified by the EDSP that has obtained a signoff with risk acceptance.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|III, CCI|CCI-001094, Rule-ID|SV-259675r961152_rule, STIG-ID|EX19-MB-000122, Vuln-ID|V-259675

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: acc45e129ac4b9a755e3e0a303d886d5f69412a76c287cf0c6e9cfe6999aae10