DG0176: DBMS audit log backups


ref: DISA DB STIG SQL 2005 V8
ref: Vulnerability Key: V0015117
ref: STIG ID: DG0176-SQLServer9
ref: Severity: Category II
The DBMS audit logs should be included in backup operations.
DBMS audit logs are essential to the investigation and prosecution of unauthorized access to the DBMS data. Unless audit logs are available
for review, the extent of data compromise may not be determined and the vulnerability exploited may not be discovered. Undiscovered
vulnerabilities could lead to additional or prolonged compromise of the data.
ref: U_INS_sqlserver9_v8r1.7_Checklist_20100827.pdf pg. 152
NOTE: Nessus has not performed this query, and this check is only provided for informational purposes.