AIX7-00-002060 - AIX ftpd daemon must not be running.


The ftp service is used to transfer files from or to a remote machine. The username and passwords are passed over the network in clear text and therefore insecurely. Remote file transfer, if required, should be facilitated through SSH.


Disable 'ftp' daemon entry in '/etc/inetd.conf' using command:
# chsubserver -r inetd -C /etc/inetd.conf -d -v 'ftp' -p 'tcp6'

Reload the inetd process:
# refresh -s inetd

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|I, CCI|CCI-000197, Rule-ID|SV-215259r508663_rule, STIG-ID|AIX7-00-002060, STIG-Legacy|SV-101405, STIG-Legacy|V-91307, Vuln-ID|V-215259

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: e90c66c55091f9ec92cfee21978a25ef45a2f1d30c33f5fcb9d1a3a7964a599d