WA060 A22 - A public web server, if hosted on the NIPRNet, must be isolated in an accredited DoD DMZ Extension.


To minimize exposure of private assets to unnecessary risk by attackers, public web servers must be isolated from internal systems. Public web servers are by nature more vulnerable to attack from publically based sources, such as the public Internet. Once compromised, a public web server might be used as a base for further attack on private resources, unless additional layers of protection are implemented. Public web servers must be located in a DoD DMZ Extension, if hosted on the NIPRNet, with carefully controlled access. Failure to isolate resources in this way increase risk that private assets are exposed to attacks from public sources.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Logically relocate the public web server to be isolated from internal systems. In addition, ensure the public web server does not have trusted connections with assets outside the confines of the demilitarized zone (DMZ) other than application and/or database servers that are a part of the same system as the web server.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, Rule-ID|SV-32932r2_rule, STIG-ID|WA060_A22, Vuln-ID|V-2242

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 200d8e70d935f8bdd92b871ce9c140ecbda63ee5d0d8e53feaa35d0cdde4f935