WA000-WWA054 A22 - Server side includes (SSIs) must run with execution capability disabled - None


The Options directive configures the web server features that are available in particular directories. The IncludesNOEXEC feature controls the ability of the server to utilize SSIs while disabling the exec command, which is used to execute external scripts. If the full includes feature is used it could allow the execution of malware leading to a system compromise.


Edit the httpd.conf file and add one of the following to the enabled Options directive:


Remove the 'Includes' or '+Includes' setting from the options statement.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|I, Rule-ID|SV-32753r1_rule, STIG-ID|WA000-WWA054_A22, Vuln-ID|V-13733

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: fdc0c87a7ba783e5d9ff9a185df20a15ee195e808bd0ce4b310f659584a434eb