WA000-WWA052 A22 - The '-FollowSymLinks' setting must be disabled.


The Options directive configures the web server features that are available in particular directories. The FollowSymLinks option controls the ability of the server to follow symbolic links. A symbolic link allows a file or a directory to be referenced using a symbolic name raising a potential hazard if symbolic linkage is made to a sensitive area. When web scripts are executed and symbolic links are allowed, the web user could be allowed to access locations on the web server that are outside the scope of the web document root or home directory.


Edit the httpd.conf file and set the value of 'FollowSymLinks' to '-FollowSymLinks'.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-7b., CAT|II, Rule-ID|SV-40129r1_rule, STIG-ID|WA000-WWA052_A22, Vuln-ID|V-13732

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: a80f39f262cf2e73a67843bb3d6b077958bab259eade0ef88e81ec3ccc9f30e4