WA00515 W22 - Automatic directory indexing must be disabled.


To identify the type of web servers and versions software installed it is common for attackers to scan for icons or special content specific to the server type and version. A simple request like http-//example.com/icons/apache_pb2.png may tell the attacker that the server is Apache 2.2 as shown below. The many icons are used primary for auto indexing, which is recommended to be disabled.
NOTE: If any of the following modules are found in the list this is a finding: autoindex_module.


Disable the autoindex_module by adding a '#' in front of it within the httpd.conf file, and restarting the Apache httpd service.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-7, CAT|II, Rule-ID|SV-33225r1_rule, STIG-ID|WA00515, Vuln-ID|V-26368

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 353bfc302697899f538ecaabe96a2490db8db3060b3cef08851dcd6b301e4f8f