AS24-W2-000560 - The Apache web server must be configured to provide clustering - mod_proxy

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The web server may host applications that display information that cannot be disrupted, such as information that is time critical or life threatening. In these cases, a web server that shuts down or ceases to be accessible when there is a failure is not acceptable. In these types of cases, clustering of web servers is used.

Clustering of multiple web servers is a common approach to providing fail-safe application availability. To ensure application availability, the web server must provide clustering or some form of failover functionality.

Satisfies: SRG-APP-000225-WSR-000141, SRG-APP-000356-WSR-000007


Edit the <'INSTALLED PATH'>\conf\httpd.conf file and load the 'mod_proxy' module.

Set the 'ProxyPass' directive.

See Also

Item Details


References: 800-53|AU-3, CAT|II, CCI|CCI-001190, CCI|CCI-001844, Rule-ID|SV-102635r1_rule, STIG-ID|AS24-W2-000560, Vuln-ID|V-92547

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 9163ffac4ce878c3cc6903c9eeda54655acd93344eb223b4656015c87a2caba2