AIOS-12-008900 - Apple iOS must implement the management setting: remove managed applications upon unenrollment from MDM (including sensitive and protected data).


When a device is unenrolled from MDM, it is possible to relax the security policies that the MDM had implemented on the device. This may cause apps and data to be more vulnerable than they were prior to enrollment. Removing managed apps (and consequently the data they maintain) upon unenrollment mitigates this risk because on appropriately configured Apple iOS devices, DoD-sensitive information exists only within managed apps.

Satisfies: PP-MDF-302510, PP-MDF-302505, PP-MDF-301500, MDF-PP-2500, MDF-PP-301510


NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Install a configuration profile to delete all managed apps upon device unenrollment.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000366, CCI|CCI-000370, CCI|CCI-001199, Rule-ID|SV-96513r1_rule, STIG-ID|AIOS-12-008900, Vuln-ID|V-81799

Plugin: MDM

Control ID: 2d3dc63f2d5e0673434111b9b9eb72bdee88f6042760dae8b59caa1486dfd978