APPL-12-000007 - The macOS system must be configured to disable hot corners - bottom left


Although hot corners can be used to initiate a session lock or launch useful applications, they can also be configured to disable an automatic session lock from initiating. Such a configuration introduces the risk that a user might forget to manually lock the screen before stepping away from the computer.


This setting is enforced using the 'Custom Policy' configuration profile.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000060, Rule-ID|SV-252442r816140_rule, STIG-ID|APPL-12-000007, Vuln-ID|V-252442

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 72da9b1e6fefa6e44d8abe472cd74f8fe54165c69f871c2dcc1be2c16337d0e0