APPL-14-004050 - The macOS system must configure install.log retention to 365.


The install.log must be configured to require records be kept for an organizational-defined value before deletion, unless the system uses a central audit record storage facility.


Configure the macOS system with install.log retention to 365 with the following command:

/usr/bin/sed -i '' "s/* file /var/log/install.log.*/* file /var/log/install.log format='$((Time)(JZ)) $Host $(Sender)[$(PID\)]: $Message' rotate=utc compress file_max=50M size_only ttl=365/g" /etc/asl/

Note: If there are multiple configuration files in /etc/asl that are set to process the file /var/log/install.log, these files will have to be manually removed.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|III, CCI|CCI-001849, Rule-ID|SV-259558r941296_rule, STIG-ID|APPL-14-004050, Vuln-ID|V-259558

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 2654af39631047b2ac66d63190592a5a78f4e3d41e51e77494e414dabe5fc876