APPL-15-000001 - The macOS system must prevent Apple Watch from terminating a session lock.

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Apple Watches are not an approved authenticator and their use must be disabled.

Disabling Apple Watches is a necessary step to ensuring that the information system retains a session lock until the user reestablishes access using an authorized identification and authentication procedures.

NOTE: Unlocking the system with an Apple Watch is not an approved authenticator for U.S. Federal Government usage as it has not been verified to meet the strength requirements outlined in NIST SP 800-63.


Configure the macOS system to prevent Apple Watch from terminating a session lock by installing the '' configuration profile.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000056, Rule-ID|SV-268420r1034200_rule, STIG-ID|APPL-15-000001, Vuln-ID|V-268420

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: eafb4e273bf9742ea58679d4440b0960049b355434949dd74e547f59821102d2