APPL-15-000060 - The macOS system must set account lockout time to 15 minutes.

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The macOS system must be configured to enforce a lockout time period of at least 15 minutes when the maximum number of failed login attempts is reached.

This rule protects against malicious users attempting to gain access to the system via brute-force hacking methods.

Satisfies: SRG-OS-000021-GPOS-00005, SRG-OS-000329-GPOS-00128


Configure the macOS system to set account lockout time to 15 minutes by installing the '' configuration profile or by a directory service.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000044, CCI|CCI-002238, Rule-ID|SV-268440r1034260_rule, STIG-ID|APPL-15-000060, Vuln-ID|V-268440

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 224a3620c0ca1aaa9890247a642b69500464060d6c9e0492cc4d654518e3325e