CISC-RT-000900 - The Cisco Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) switch must be configured to only accept MSDP packets from known MSDP peers.


MSDP peering with customer network switches presents additional risks to the DISN Core, whether from a rogue or misconfigured MSDP-enabled switch. To guard against an attack from malicious MSDP traffic, the receive path or interface filter for all MSDP-enabled RP switches must be configured to only accept MSDP packets from known MSDP peers.


Configure the receive path or interface ACLs to only accept MSDP packets from known MSDP peers.

SW1(config)# ip access-list EXTERNAL_ACL_INBOUND
SW1(config-acl) # permit tcp any any established
SW1(config-acl) # permit tcp host x.1.28.2 host x.1.28.8 eq 639
SW1(config-acl) # deny tcp any host x1.28.8 eq 639
SW1(config-acl) # permit tcp host x.1.28.2 host x.1.28.8 eq bgp
SW1(config-acl) # permit tcp host x.1.28.2 eq bgp host x.1.28.8
SW1(config-acl) # permit pim host x.1.28.2 host x.1.28.8
SW1(config-acl)# deny ip any any

See Also

Item Details


References: 800-53|SC-7(11), CAT|II, CCI|CCI-002403, Rule-ID|SV-221142r999751_rule, STIG-ID|CISC-RT-000900, STIG-Legacy|SV-111177, STIG-Legacy|V-102221, Vuln-ID|V-221142

Plugin: Cisco

Control ID: b928c0af90523f92a5621d8b52247f3a3e0bff74ee865aba152c80b2d7f9b379