EP11-00-013000 - The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must off-load audit data to a separate log management facility; this must be continuous and in near real time for systems with a network connection to the storage facility and weekly or more often for stand-alone systems.

Warning! Audit Deprecated

This audit has been deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

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Information stored in one location is vulnerable to accidental or incidental deletion or alteration.

Off-loading is a common process in information systems with limited audit storage capacity.

The DBMS may write audit records to database tables, to files in the file system, to other kinds of local repositories, or directly to a centralized log management system. Whatever the method used, it must be compatible with off-loading the records to the centralized system.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Install a centralized log-collecting tool and configure it as instructed in its documentation.

If using PEM, find the instructions for configuring the centralized audit manager at:

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-001851, Rule-ID|SV-224240r879886_rule, STIG-ID|EP11-00-013000, STIG-Legacy|SV-109613, STIG-Legacy|V-100509, Vuln-ID|V-224240

Plugin: PostgreSQLDB

Control ID: 75b79c93ae85dba8c90eb9b686f33c58531ce1c9eb779288d00592086da5503b