DTBC-0045 - Session only based cookies must be disabled.

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Policy allows you to set a list of URL patterns that specify sites which are allowed to set session only cookies. If this policy is left not set the global default value will be used for all sites either from the 'DefaultCookiesSetting' policy if it is set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise. If the 'RestoreOnStartup' policy is set to restore URLs from previous sessions this policy will not be respected and cookies will be stored permanently for those sites.


Windows group policy:
1. Open the group policy editor tool with gpedit.msc
2. Navigate to Policy Path: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Google\Google Chrome\Content Settings
Policy Name: Allow session only cookies on these sites
Policy State: Disabled
Policy Value: N/A

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000166, Rule-ID|SV-221583r615937_rule, STIG-ID|DTBC-0045, STIG-Legacy|SV-57633, STIG-Legacy|V-44799, Vuln-ID|V-221583

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 44373f488153396f0ede03675e8567a8757d3bbb8493129d2e7075241aa26993