DTBC-0004 - Sites ability to show pop-ups must be disabled.

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This audit has been deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

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Chrome allows you to manage whether unwanted pop-up windows appear. Pop-up windows that are opened when the end user clicks a link are not blocked. If you enable this policy setting, most unwanted pop-up windows are prevented from appearing. If you disable this policy setting, pop-up windows are not prevented from appearing. If you disable this policy setting, scripts can continue to create pop-up windows, and pop-ups that hide other windows. Recommend configuring this setting to '2' to help prevent malicious websites from controlling the pop-up windows or fooling users into clicking on the wrong window. If you do not configure this policy setting, most unwanted pop-up windows are prevented from appearing. If this policy is left not set, 'BlockPopups' will be used and the user will be able to change it.
1 = Allow all sites to show pop-ups
2 = Do not allow any site to show pop-ups


Windows group policy:
1. Open the group policy editor tool with gpedit.msc
2. Navigate to Policy Path: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Google\Google Chrome\Content Settings\
Policy Name: Default popups setting
Policy State: Enabled
Policy Value: Do not allow any site to show popups

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000381, Rule-ID|SV-221561r615937_rule, STIG-ID|DTBC-0004, STIG-Legacy|SV-57553, STIG-Legacy|V-44719, Vuln-ID|V-221561

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 1108b18908168f8b9210ef35680f4f4ac83f4935b59d61969138f92f9b32517b