JRE8-UX-000170 - Oracle JRE 8 must prompt the user for action prior to executing mobile code - deployment.insecure.jres


Mobile code can cause damage to the system. It can execute without explicit action from, or notification to, a user.

Actions enforced before executing mobile code include, for example, prompting users prior to opening email attachments and disabling automatic execution.

This requirement applies to mobile code-enabled software, which is capable of executing one or more types of mobile code.


Navigate to the system-level 'deployment.properties' file for JRE.


Add the key 'deployment.insecure.jres=PROMPT' to the deployment.properties file.

Add the key 'deployment.insecure.jres.locked' to the deployment.properties file.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-002460, Rule-ID|SV-81423r1_rule, STIG-ID|JRE8-UX-000170, Vuln-ID|V-66933

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 540f97949955a981161e7ccbb91703a3d6cc15d016de633cb899c64faca7b908