SQL2-00-019300 - SQL Server must encrypt information stored in the database.


When data is written to digital media, such as hard drives, mobile computers, external/removable hard drives, personal digital assistants, flash/thumb drives, etc., there is risk of data loss and/or compromise.

An organizational assessment of risk guides the selection of media and associated information contained on that media requiring restricted access. Organizations need to document, in policy and procedures, the media requiring restricted access, individuals authorized to access the media, and the specific measures taken to restrict access.

Fewer protection measures are needed for media containing information determined by the organization to be in the public domain, to be publicly releasable, or to have limited or no adverse impact if accessed by other than authorized personnel. In these situations, it is assumed the physical access controls where the media resides provide adequate protection.

As part of a defense-in-depth strategy, the organization considers routinely encrypting information at rest on selected secondary storage devices. The decision whether to employ cryptography is the responsibility of the information owner/steward, who exercises discretion within the framework of applicable rules, policies and law. The selection of the cryptographic mechanisms used is based upon maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the information.

The strength of mechanisms is commensurate with the classification and sensitivity of the information.

Information at rest, when not encrypted, is open to compromise from attackers who have gained unauthorized access to the data files.

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Use third-party tools or configure SQL Server to encrypt data stored in the database. Use only NIST-certified or NSA-approved cryptography to provide encryption.

Run the following SQL script to create a certificate:
USE <'database name'>
CREATE CERTIFICATE <'certificate name'>
FROM FILE = <'path/file_name'>
WITH SUBJECT = 'name of person creating key',
EXPIRY_DATE = '<'expiration date: yyyymmdd'>'

Run the following SQL script to create a symmetric key and assign an existing certificate:
USE <'database name'>
ENCRYPTION BY <'certificate name'>

Set SQL Server configuration settings to encrypt databases, tables, columns, and/or data elements as required by the organization and the system owner.

Document all instances of acceptance of risk by the information owner where sensitive or classified data is not encrypted. Have the ISSO document assurance that the unencrypted sensitive or classified information is otherwise inaccessible to those who do not have need-to-know access to the data. Developers should consider using a record-specific encryption method to protect individual records. For example, by employing the session username or other individualized element as part of the encryption key, then decryption of a data element is only possible by that user or other data accessible only by that user. Data labeling can be helpful in implementation. Consider applying additional auditing of access to any unencrypted sensitive or classified data when accessed by users (with and/or without a need to know).

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AC-16a., CAT|II, CCI|CCI-002262, Rule-ID|SV-53939r5_rule, STIG-ID|SQL2-00-019300, Vuln-ID|V-41411

Plugin: MS_SQLDB

Control ID: e6c51f1f52c16de1c8f9ac7d4268f6bb501b7099755387cf332dcbc53368779f