SQL2-00-014700 - SQL Server must support the employment of automated mechanisms supporting the auditing of the enforcement actions.


Any changes to the hardware, software, and/or firmware components of the information system and/or application can potentially have significant effects on the overall security of the system.

Accordingly, only qualified and authorized individuals are allowed to obtain access to information system components for purposes of initiating changes, including upgrades and modifications.

Access restrictions for change also include software libraries.

Examples of access restrictions include: physical access controls (such as locks and access cards), logical access controls (such as ACLs), automated auditing (logging) of logical access, workflow automation, media libraries, abstract layers (e.g., changes are implemented into a third-party interface rather than directly into the information system component), and change windows (e.g., changes occur only during specified times, making unauthorized changes outside the window easy to discover).

This requirement focuses on the auditing aspect of the protections.


Navigate to Advanced Security Settings by selecting Properties > Security > Advanced > Auditing > Continue.

Where 'Everyone' is missing from the 'Name' column, click the Add button; type 'Everyone' in the object names box; click the OK button. The Auditing Entry dialog opens.

Where 'Everyone' is in the 'Name' column, select that row and click on the Edit button. The Auditing Entry dialog opens.

In the Auditing Entry dialog, set 'Apply onto' to 'This folder, subfolders and files'.

In the Auditing Entry dialog, select both the Successful and the Failed checkbox for each of the following access types, where not already selected:
Traverse folder/execute file
List folder/read data
Read attributes
Read extended attributes
Create files/write data
Create folders/append data
Write attributes
Write extended attributes
Read permissions

Click OK, OK, OK, OK to save the new settings and exit the dialog boxes.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-5(1), CAT|II, CCI|CCI-001814, Rule-ID|SV-53304r3_rule, STIG-ID|SQL2-00-014700, Vuln-ID|V-40950

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: f7f616a6477a4daffc088012d01d50ee3e41052473c1ee80eec88671ead1a9bb