SQL2-00-020200 - SQL Server must protect the integrity of publicly available information and SQL Servers configuration from unauthorized User Mapping access.


The purpose of this control is to ensure organizations explicitly address the protection needs for public information and applications, with such protection likely being implemented as part of other security controls. If SQL Server contains publicly available information, though not concerned with confidentiality, SQL Server must maintain the integrity of the data. If data available to the public is not protected from unauthorized modification or deletion, then the data cannot be trusted by those accessing it.

The user account associated with public access must not have access to the OS or SQL Server configuration information, include read access to schema information. This access includes, but is not limited to, SQL Server 'User Mapping' assignments.

SQL Server access to any of the three system databases (master, model, or msdb) is restricted from the publicly available user account, because this would grant more than read-only access to public information. Of the existing user-defined databases, privileges must be checked to allow only read access to publically available data.

This requirement is not intended to prevent the establishment of public-facing systems for the purpose of collecting data from the public.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Navigate to SQL Server Management Studio >> Object Explorer >> <'SQL Server name'> >> Security >> Logins >> right click <'user account'> >> Properties >> User Mapping >> highlight checked database.

Uncheck the 'Database role membership' that is checked and grants more than read-only access to the publicly available information.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CM-6b., CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000366, Rule-ID|SV-53268r3_rule, STIG-ID|SQL2-00-020200, Vuln-ID|V-40914

Plugin: MS_SQLDB

Control ID: 2fb0a298c34e4db6f7d703d00c097aed0b2ab7c2f4cc0684838b3e776a72f8d2