SQL2-00-017700 - SQL Server user-level information must be backed up based on a defined frequency.


SQL Server backups are a critical step in maintaining data assurance and availability.

User-level information is data generated by information system and/or application users. In order to assure availability of this data in the event of a system failure, DoD organizations are required to ensure user generated data is backed up at a defined frequency. This includes data stored on file systems, within SQL Server or within any other storage media.

Applications performing backups must be capable of backing up user-level information per the DoD defined frequency.

Databases that do not backup information regularly risk the loss of that information in the event of a system failure.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Deploy a backup solution to perform backups as per organizationally defined Backup Policy.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|CP-9a., CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000535, Rule-ID|SV-53284r2_rule, STIG-ID|SQL2-00-017700, Vuln-ID|V-40930

Plugin: MS_SQLDB

Control ID: 554f0a1308e984902719d20320ec4f1a6097984bbd47773fa20b31e1cf726090