SQL6-D0-000400 - SQL Server must protect against a user falsely repudiating by ensuring only clearly unique Active Directory user accounts can connect to the database.


Non-repudiation of actions taken is required in order to maintain data integrity. Examples of particular actions taken by individuals include creating information, sending a message, approving information (e.g., indicating concurrence or signing a contract), and receiving a message.

Non-repudiation protects against later claims by a user of not having created, modified, or deleted a particular data item or collection of data in the database.

In designing a database, the organization must define the types of data and the user actions that must be protected from repudiation. The implementation must then include building audit features into the application data tables and configuring the DBMS's audit tools to capture the necessary audit trail. Design and implementation also must ensure that applications pass individual user identification to the DBMS, even where the application connects to the DBMS with a standard, shared account.

If the computer account of a remote computer is granted access to a SQL Server database, any service or scheduled task running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM or NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE can log into the instance and perform actions. These actions cannot be traced back to a specific user or process.

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Remove all users that were returned in the check SQL Statement:

FROM sys.database_principals
WHERE type in ('U','G')
AND name LIKE '%$'

To remove users:

Run the following command for each user:

DROP USER [ IF EXISTS ] <user_name>;

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|I, CCI|CCI-000166, Rule-ID|SV-213902r508025_rule, STIG-ID|SQL6-D0-000400, STIG-Legacy|SV-93773, STIG-Legacy|V-79067, Vuln-ID|V-213902

Plugin: MS_SQLDB

Control ID: 285822f96a2518afe8d280969554820aafc230b8d3d2af4e9c91f3f675ac7403