3.084 - The system is configured to use an unauthorized time server - 'NTPServer'


The Windows Time Service controls time synchronization settings. Time synchronization is essential for authentication and auditing purposes. If the Windows Time Service is used, it should synchronize with a secure, authorized time source. Domain joined systems are automatically configured to synchronize with domain controllers. If an NTP server is configured it should synchronize with a secure, authorized time source.


If the system needs to be configured to an NTP server, configure the system to point to an authorized time server by setting the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Windows Time Service -> Time Providers 'Configure Windows NTP Client' to 'Enabled', and configure the 'NtpServer' field to point to an authorized time server.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AU-8(1), CAT|III, CCI|CCI-001891, CSCv6|6.1, Rule-ID|SV-25174r1_rule, STIG-ID|3.084, Vuln-ID|V-3472

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: f19a1212a58bc5ff950e7e9982e9210b8599110674cf1c8485a2b9f939f6de82