4.018 - Application account passwords must meet DoD requirements for length, complexity and changes.


Setting application accounts to expire may cause applications to stop functioning. The site will have a policy that application account passwords are changed at least annually or when a system administrator with knowledge of the password leaves the organization. Application/service account passwords will be at least 15 characters and follow complexity requirements for all passwords.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Create application/service account passwords that are at least 15 characters in length and meet complexity requirements. Change application/service account passwords that are manually generated and entered by a system administrator at least annually or whenever an administrator with knowledge of the password leaves the organization.

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000205, CCI|CCI-002142, Rule-ID|SV-25212r2_rule, STIG-ID|4.018, Vuln-ID|V-14271

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: d00766150b7129cde49fb48e1ae4d40431797cdb1da22ee172e405e15085aaf3