DTAM060 - McAfee VirusScan On-Demand scan log file size must be restricted, but be configured to at least 10MB. - Max log file size


While logging is imperative to forensic analysis, logs could grow to the point of impacting disk space on the system. In order to avoid the risk of logs growing to the size of impacting the operating system, the log size will be restricted, but must also be large enough to retain forensic value.


Access the local VirusScan console by clicking Start->All Programs->McAfee->VirusScan Console.
In the console window, under Task, with the assistance of the System Administrator, identify the weekly on-demand client scan task.
Right-click the Task and select Properties.

Under the Reports tab, locate the 'Log file' label.
Select the 'Limit the size of log file' option.
Under 'Maximum log file size:', choose a value of at least 10MB.

Click OK to Save.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|SI-3c.1., CAT|II, CCI|CCI-001241, Rule-ID|SV-243388r722503_rule, STIG-ID|DTAM060, STIG-Legacy|SV-56371, STIG-Legacy|V-6474, Vuln-ID|V-243388

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: a6b2c9122a3d49b1a367add0d2f01dee1b98b2c3f2407fe84650124ca5c5e085